Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Advantages of teamwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Advantages of cooperation - Essay Example As per Hosftede, we get ourselves in life circumstances where we are managing individuals from various societies and we need to cooperate for a typical course. Thus, one needs to know about the social measurements as outlined by Hosftede. They incorporate force, independence, sexual orientation, vulnerability and long haul direction. Collaboration is a superior representation of the well known old expression that says two heads are superior to one. Collaboration empowers individuals to share thoughts among their group according to the mutual assignment. It includes every individual giving a thought and taking an interest in dynamic of the route forward in doing an action or during the time spent critical thinking. Collaboration additionally spares time. Things complete a lot quicker and proficient. At the point when a gathering or group is doled out an assignment or obligation, almost certainly, it will be done in less time with such huge numbers of territories secured all at once. Another value of collaboration is the capacity to represent feeble zones. Individuals are assorted; various societies and each has their qualities and shortcomings that contrast a great deal. At the point when individuals meet up to do a comparative undertaking, it is simpler to get arrangements through each phase since there are potential outcomes of having a couple of people who are acquainted with a distinguished region of shortcoming (McMillan an d Reynolds, 2002, p. 23-34). Furthermore, cooperation can break the social contrasts that may introduce during an undertaking. At work environments, collaboration improves connections among the coworkers and the administration of an association. These connections results to collaboration in the work environment as well as outside work and across societies (West, 2012, p. 56). In augmentations, it realizes work fulfillment and assurance to take part in significantly greater errands. One thing that is basic for any director to put on in business or association is cooperation. It spares a ton of time and reliance on the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Pardoning Death Row Prisoners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Acquitting Death Row Prisoners - Essay Example She verified her case by not just driving a model life during her time in the jail, yet additionally figured out how to collect a lot of social and institutional help for her exculpation. The subsequent model is of a criminal Stanley Williams who killed 4 individuals without a second thought and got a capital punishment. In the next years, Stanley not just turned into a harmony lobbyist and a productive essayist, yet in addition guaranteed that the jail life had made him a decent individual. Once more, Stanley figured out how to draw in the compassion and backing of numerous conspicuous residents and associations. However, both Karla and Stanley were executed, independent of their broadcasted restoration waiting for capital punishment. Law fills numerous needs in the advanced social orders. If there should arise an occurrence of a horrifying wrongdoing like manslaughter, the motivation behind the law isn't just to offer equity to the killed people and their relatives and partners, yet in addition to set a model before the general public, with the goal that individuals may cease from carrying out such violations later on (Bedau 52). In the event that the state begins acquitting or driving the capital punishments of the hoodlums who guarantee to have changed or have become quiet people inferable from strict or other kindhearted reasons, this will give a proviso to the vast majority of the death row detainees to guarantee pardon by refering to comparable reasons. ... Such examples won't just set a hazardous point of reference, however will add up to diminishing the law to a joke. The change or improvement of a killer doesn't alleviate one of the obligation one owes to the casualties specifically and the general public all in all. Second Possible Position In the vast majority of the cutting edge social orders, their consistently exists a hole of several years, prior to the death of a capital punishment to an individual blameworthy of homicide and the real execution. The main role of the law is to make society a sheltered spot to live. Thus, it is splendidly defended to shield society from a perilous killer or a routine criminal by condemning one to death. Thinking about the drawn out holes between the death of the sentence and the execution, it hushes up conceivable that a killer may improve as an individual attributable to thoughtfulness and the salubrious impacts that one may run over in the jail (Tabak 181). On the off chance that this reality is additionally certified by a detainee's decent conduct waiting for capital punishment over a drawn out period and is perceived and upheld by conspicuous residents and associations, the state can unquestionably exonerate or drive capital punishment of such a detainee. When a detainee has bel ievably become a tranquil resident and has figured out how to pull in the help of the general public, executing one basically fills no need, however sums to pointless and lawful brutality (Baird 46). Progressively Agreeable Position With regards to the case introduction viable, the principal position stands to be increasingly substantial and pleasing. The principal position takes a progressively expansive based and logical perspective on the organization of law. The point of view received by the principal position

Friday, August 21, 2020

Top 9 Things Educators Should Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Top 9 Things Educators Should Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 9 powerful, practical, and informative things that educators will want to know about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and autistic students, distilled from research, expert opinions, and the experience of classroom teachers around the world. This resource covers the most important ASD topics, from perspective-taking and literal processing to nonverbal/paraverbal communication and executive function. Whether you are a generalist, special educator, administrator, or paraprofessional, this succinct, jargon-free overview of ASD and the challenges autistic students face in the classroom will be an essential reference you'll use over and over again. Subjects: Social and Emotional Development (114) Social Skills (46) Mental Health (43) TYPE: Teaching Resource (1,011) Download Printables help --> Add to Favorites CREATE NEW FOLDER CancelManage My Favorites     This resource was developed and provided by iSocial, the University of Missouri, and the  Thompson Center for Autism and  Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The 32 lessons developed as part of this research-based collaboration have proven  efficacy in helping children with autism develop socialization skills. Seven years of research and studies in 60 schools  show that significant improvements can be made. For more information on how you can help children with autism and  support school requirements, please visit the iSocial website.?

Top 9 Things Educators Should Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Top 9 Things Educators Should Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 9 powerful, practical, and informative things that educators will want to know about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and autistic students, distilled from research, expert opinions, and the experience of classroom teachers around the world. This resource covers the most important ASD topics, from perspective-taking and literal processing to nonverbal/paraverbal communication and executive function. Whether you are a generalist, special educator, administrator, or paraprofessional, this succinct, jargon-free overview of ASD and the challenges autistic students face in the classroom will be an essential reference you'll use over and over again. Subjects: Social and Emotional Development (114) Social Skills (46) Mental Health (43) TYPE: Teaching Resource (1,011) Download Printables help --> Add to Favorites CREATE NEW FOLDER CancelManage My Favorites     This resource was developed and provided by iSocial, the University of Missouri, and the  Thompson Center for Autism and  Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The 32 lessons developed as part of this research-based collaboration have proven  efficacy in helping children with autism develop socialization skills. Seven years of research and studies in 60 schools  show that significant improvements can be made. For more information on how you can help children with autism and  support school requirements, please visit the iSocial website.?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay about Leadership Within Ambulance Services - 679 Words

This assignment will focus on; the NHS organisational cultures and theories, leadership cultures and theories, leadership styles, the effect leadership cultures have upon organisational cultures and will address the requirements for modernisation of the ambulance service. All of which will be supported by relevant literature and research. Since 1930 authors have focused on organizational culture as a system of â€Å"socially transmitted behaviour patterns that serve to relate human communities to their ecological settings† (Keesing, 1974). This has been reflected in the work of many ethnographers and psychologists, such as Whyte (1949), Rohlen (1974), Schein (1985 1990) and Hofstede (1980, 1991). Edgar Schein continued to define†¦show more content†¦In 1972 Rogger Harrison researched into ‘Organizational Cultures and Structures’ which was later supported and publicised by Charles Handy (1985), it suggested that there are four dimensions of cultures through which organisations exist. They are; ‘power’, ‘role’, ‘task’ and ‘people culture’. Organisations can be associated with one or more of the different cultures. Many organisations can be identified as having a different organisational culture at each hierarchical interval. ‘Power’ culture (Handy, 1985) is described as a similar infrastructure to that of a spider’s web, where the â€Å"boss† is in the centre of an ever widening web of others involved in the organisation. Role culture (Handy, 1985) is best explained as an image of a pyramid of boxes, each box containing a job title and role. The boxes still stand and the structure remains secure, even if one of the individuals fulfilling a role departs. Role cultures are best operated by a manager at the top of the pyramid, as suggested by Ronald White (1988). Role cultures operate best in large organisations where roles are clearly defined, evaluation of their progress is continually assessed and feedback is given. Task culture (Handy, 1985) is predominantly used in a field where team work is of paramount importance to ensure a task is completed. People cultureShow MoreRelatedUnit Hour Utilization910 Words   |  4 Pagesoperational budget. For example, â€Å"Unit Hour Utili zation† (UHU). UHU measures the work load levels in a defined ambulance system status. UHU’s is calculated by dividing the number of transports generated in a set time frame by the number of unit hours it is required to make those transports possible with a fully equipped and staffed ambulance (Unit Hour Utilization, 2012, p. 1). For example, ten ambulances operating in a twenty-four-hour period generate 120 transport, the UHU would equal 120 means of transportRead MoreEnrique Mentado Sosa s Candidacy For An Ra Position For 2017-2018 Essay950 Words   |  4 Pagesthink of the phrase, still waters run deep. Never the first to speak nor seeking a spotlight, some might overlook and underestimate Enrique; that would be a mistake! 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Is Electronegativity and How Does It Work

Electronegativity is the property of an atom which increases with its tendency to attract the electrons of a bond. If two bonded atoms have the same electronegativity values as each other, they share electrons equally in a covalent bond. Usually, the electrons in a chemical bond are more attracted to one atom (the more electronegative one) than to the other. This results in a polar covalent bond. If the electronegativity values are very different, the electrons arent shared at all. One atom essentially takes the bond electrons from the other atom, forming an ionic bond. Key Takeaways: Electronegativity Electronegativity is an atoms tendency to attract electrons to itself in a chemical bond.The most electronegative element is fluorine. The least electronegative or most electropositive element is francium.The greater the difference between atom electronegativity values, the more polar the chemical bond formed between them. Avogadro and other chemists studied electronegativity before it was formally named by  Jà ¶ns Jacob Berzelius in 1811. In 1932, Linus Pauling proposed an electronegativity scale based on bond energies. Electronegativity values on the Pauling scale are dimensionless numbers that run from about 0.7 to 3.98. The Pauling scale values are relative to the electronegativity of hydrogen (2.20). While the Pauling scale is most often used, other scales include the Mulliken scale, Allred-Rochow scale, Allen scale, and Sanderson scale. Electronegativity is a property of an atom within a molecule, rather than an inherent property of an atom by itself. Thus, electronegativity actually varies depending on an atoms environment. However, most of the time an atom displays similar behavior in different situations. Factors that affect electronegativity include the nuclear charge and the number and location of electrons in an atom. Electronegativity Example The chlorine atom has a higher electronegativity than the hydrogen atom, so the bonding electrons will be closer to the Cl than to the H in the HCl molecule. In the O2 molecule, both atoms have the same electronegativity. The electrons in the covalent bond are shared equally between the two oxygen atoms. Most and Least Electronegative Elements The most electronegative element on the periodic table is fluorine (3.98). The least electronegative element is cesium (0.79). The opposite of electronegativity is electropositivity, so you could simply say cesium is the most electropositive element. Note that older texts list both francium and cesium as least electronegative at 0.7, but the value for cesium was experimentally revised to the 0.79 value. There is no experimental data for francium, but its ionization energy is higher than that of cesium, so it is expected that francium is slightly more electronegative. Electronegativity as a Periodic Table Trend Like electron affinity, atomic/ionic radius, and ionization energy, electronegativity shows a definite trend on the periodic table. Electronegativity generally increases moving from left to right across a period. The noble gases tend to be exceptions to this trend.Electronegativity generally decreases moving down a periodic table group. This correlates with the increased distance between the nucleus and the valence electron. Electronegativity and ionization energy follow the same periodic table trend. Elements that have low ionization energies tend to have low electronegativities. The nuclei of these atoms dont exert a strong pull on electrons. Similarly, elements that have high ionization energies tend to have high electronegativity values. The atomic nucleus exerts a strong pull on electrons. Sources Jensen, William B. Electronegativity from Avogadro to Pauling: Part 1: Origins of the Electronegativity Concept. 1996, 73, 1. 11, J. Chem. Educ., ACS Publications, January 1, 1996. Greenwood, N. N. Chemistry of the Elements. A. Earnshaw, (1984). 2nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, December 9, 1997. Pauling, Linus. The Nature of the Chemical Bond. IV. The Energy of Single Bonds and the Relative Electronegativity of Atoms. 1932, 54, 9, 3570-3582, J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Publications, September 1, 1932. Pauling, Linus. The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals: An Introduction to Mode. 3rd Edition, Cornell University Press, January 31, 1960.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Lord Of The Rings - 1469 Words

Tzvetan Todorov, the author of The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre, defined fantasy as â€Å"the creation of a moment of hesitation between two worlds†(qtd. Kelly, Course Introduction 2). This description of the genre compliments J.R.R Tolkien’s The Lord Of The Rings trilogy due to the author’s use of sub-creation to construct his alternate world. Tolkien believed that the way to create a believable, all-encompassing world was to combine fragments of reality, or the â€Å"primary world†, together to construct a new, seemingly credible â€Å"secondary world†. Sub-creation, if successful, forms an alternate but parallel world to reality, â€Å"which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is ‘true’: it accords with the laws of the†¦show more content†¦Here, Tolkien signifies that humans were moulded in the likeness of God, the ultimate creator; therefore we are able to, and should, create. This quota tion highlights how his Catholic belief deeply influenced his personal philosophy, which in turn affected his writing of The Lord Of The Rings. Numerous parallels can be drawn between Christianity and the trilogy, such as that between God and The Creator Eru, who was the source of all life on Arda. Furthermore, like God, all that was created by Eru was once good, even Sauron, and it is outside forces such as power, corruption and greed that twist what is good and make it bad. Tolkien’s creationist philosophy is evident and his embedded Christian messages were his attempt to reinforce his religious beliefs on a world that he felt had become too secular. It is widely known that Tolkien detested the allegorical assumptions made about his work. The author insisted that allegory was restrictive to readers and he preferred ‘history, whether real or feigned’(Tolkien I, 12). As Ursula Le Guin states â€Å"fantasy is nothing but the writer’s view of the world† highlighting that fact that Tolkien’s life experiences heavily influenced his work (qtd Kelly, 27). Tolkien’s work reflects and comments on 20th Century Western society and in doing so, enlightens his readers of a past time. In fact, this is demonstrated outright by

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Portrayal of Gender Roles in Disney Films free essay sample

Gender roles are present in every Western society and culture today. One’s portrayal of gender roles begins at a young age, not only at home through parents, but also through the media. The media is one of the largest influential factors of gender role portrayal. There has been concern about the accuracy of the portrayals of men and women in media, which may not be proper depictions (England, Descartes and Collier-Meek 2011: 556). It is through these reinforced meanings of masculinity and femininity that children’s gender-role socialization is being distorted. Such distortion begins at quite a young age and this kind of exposure may be problematic (England et al. 2011: 557). A more specific medium of the media that is a powerful socializing agent in the lives of children is movies, and particularly movies by Disney. Disney is the worlds second largest media firm, and is one of the first factors that affect a child’s gender role portrayal (Martz, Bazzini, Curtin, Joslin, Regan 2010: 353). We will write a custom essay sample on Portrayal of Gender Roles in Disney Films or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though children may be unaware that these views are being formed, the prince and princess characters in many Disney movies portray traditional masculine and feminine characteristics. These later on build the stereotypical gender images that are related to these traditional characteristics (Ross 2004: 55). Children start to associate certain attributes to men and women and this is how their portrayal is shaped. In many of the fairy-tale Disney movies, male and female characters are overrepresented and having such portrayals of gender roles may weaken children’s beliefs, expectations and aspirations because they cannot aspire to do something other than what is presented in the Disney films (England et al. 2011: 557). Gender role portrayals in Disney movies influence children’s beliefs and ideas about  gender and sexuality, social behaviors and norms in society. Gender roles begin to shape children’s beliefs and values from a young age. A large part of children’s lives in the 21st century is the media, and it is through this medium that children begin to develop specific gender roles for men and women. Disney is a huge part of most chil dren’s lives while growing up. Although Disney movies are a source of entertainment, there are many hidden messages that do affect children, even unconsciously (England et al. 2011: 560). Gender and sexuality go hand in hand in movies and are one of the most important factors that differentiate men and women. Disney movies portray the ideal appearances of both sexes and also overemphasize the value of beauty for women. These depictions in movies shape children’s images of what they should strive to look like as it is understood that if they look a certain way they will have a â€Å"happy ending. † The appearance of men and women in Disney movies, but also in the media itself, is a very large part of our Western culture. The introduction of such appearances and roles through movies at a young age leads children to have stronger beliefs about gender role portrayals and stereotypes about appearances (England et al.  2011: 566). There are typical images portrayed of both men and women in numerous Disney films and most fall under quite similar categories. In the movies the handsome, strong men are usually associated as â€Å"good guys†, while the rather unattractive and mean men are the â€Å"bad guys† (Bazinni et al. 2010: 2697). The prince or the hero in Disney movies is always handsome and able to vanquish the antagonist while also successfully attaining the beautiful girl. The desirable girl in Disney movies is always beautiful and caring, and wishes to find her prince charming. In films, the attractiveness of a character has to do more then with just how the characters look, but it also correlates with how morally good the character portrayed is. This is what some call the â€Å"what-is-beautiful-is-good† stereotype, which is highly prevalent in Disney films. (Bazinni et al. 2010: 2690). The media’s depictions of gender in movies are not balanced and exposure to such distorted images may be causing detrimental effects on youth’s gender role socialization. The appearance of men and women is also sexualized so much and gives children the idea that there is a positive and ideal way to look and act. Sexuality is a part of the appearance of men and women that has an enormous responsibility on the representation of gender roles. Women especially, are sexualized and taught to use their bodies to their advantage. In many Disney movies, women and even young girls are shown as very seductive which presents a notion that this is what femininity is about (Sun. 2011). It doesn’t necessarily reflect who women are, but constructs the concept that it’s the regular way to behave. In the movie Aladdin, for example, Jasmine needs to protect Aladdin and distract the â€Å"bad guys†. To do this, she seduces the men and uses her body and actions to do so (Sun. 2011). This is just one of the examples of the many instances that women’s bodies and actions are used to allow them to get what they want. Through the flutter of their eyelashes, and smile on their face, female characters achieve much more then they would if they didn’t look the way they do. This whole perfect image of women isn’t only seen in movies; Disney’s market goes way beyond that. Through selling their products, Disney allows girls to be the beautiful characters that they see in movies, and this starts at such a young age. Dressing up as the princesses they love, girls start to believe that attractive looks will allow them to achieve anything they want (Sun. 2011). The messages that children receive from this are surely not ones that they should build their values upon. It is through these messages that young boys and girls also create their beliefs of what they should strive to look like and what is considered ideal. In the messages that are sent through movies, children are able to put together the ideal images of both sexes, and strive to be that perfect boy or girl. Since the ideal representation of men and women is so defined, it narrows children’s views of what beautiful or handsome really is. This does not only form their values and expectations, but can also create problems for males and females as teenagers. More common in girls, mental health issues such as anorexia or bulimia, but also self-confidence issues arise from the expectations that are given for appearances. Since these expectations form at such a young age, it puts both boys and girls in unhealthy situations that may cause more serious problems, as they grow older. Giving children such small representations is not fair to their outlook on life, as it will narrow how they view themselves and others in their society (Sun. 2011). It will not only narrow representations of gender and sexuality, but also the behaviors attributed to both sexes. The influence of Disney movies affects children’s beliefs of the behaviors that are attributed to both sexes. Gender and the behaviors are closely tied together, as males and females are portrayed with categories of characteristics that connect to each. Children learn about these behaviors in many ways while growing up. Through observing people at home, in the classroom, and in public areas, children are flooded with many different qualities and characteristics of men and women, and they learn to differentiate what behavior â€Å"belongs† to each sex. Disney movies play a large role in this, as well as the representation of women as lacking the ability to achieve anything without the help of a man. Through the characters in these movies, children’s images of how they should act and behave are slowly molded and shaped. In Western society, there are certain stereotypes given to women and men in the ways that they should behave. Disney movies include a lot of the stereotypical characteristics that they associate with characters of men and women. Men are typically given such characteristics as athletic, brave, competitive, dominant, independent, intelligent, and rebellious (England et al. 2011: 559). Women on the other hand have characteristics such as caring/loving, childlike, dependent, fearful and scared (England et al. 2011: 559). These characteristics reinforce the traditional male and female stereotypes in Western society. Characteristics given to the male and female roles of characters give children watching these movies the ideas that this is how they should behave, and also how the opposite sex should behave too (Choueiti, Granados, Pieper and Smith. 2010: 786). Disney movies create an environment of images that we grow up and get used to, and after a while those images begin to shape what we know about the societies we live in and the world itself (Sun. 2011). Men and women are not only portrayed with certain stereotypical characteristics, but with behaviors that affect their daily lives. Many Disney movies depict women as needy and lacking the ability to do anything without a man. This is unfortunately very common in many of the movies. Even the strong and powerful females need to be rescued or helped by a male. Princesses are unable to save their own lives, girls are unable to complete their journeys, and men step in on many occasions to do the saving. A classic example of this is the Sleeping Beauty, a film with the typical Disney princess and prince who comes to save the day. Many Disney movies have a similar plot line and by changing around a few details a new story  appears but still teaches the same lesson. Girls grow up believing that boys and men are more capable of being successful then them, and boys grow up believing that they are the greater sex that is able to do anything (Sun. 2011). This creates a gap in the gender portrayals that is very large and does affect people in society. Though now men and women have equal rights and are capable of having the same opportunities and achieving equally as great things, the message that is being sent to children from these movies may alter what they think they can accomplish of in the future (Choueiti et al.  2010: 775). This is not a message that we should be sending to the children of future generations as through this, the images of how they should act and behave are shaped. Learning about the behaviors and characteristics that have been in a way assigned to both genders makes it difficult for a child to grow up with an open mind about these things. From childhood, their values and beliefs are already beginning to be molded. There is also a lack of freedom, or a lack of imagination that limits children to believe only in what is shown to be â€Å"right† in the films they watch (England et al. 2011: 557). Therefore, boys tend to act in ways that the male characters do such as aggressive, competitive, while girls act more passive and expressive (Choueiti et al. 2010: 776). These are just some of the characteristics and behaviors that children tend to take on from the influence of films. Though children are strongly impacted by Disney movies, educators and families need to work together to help children gain the appropriate knowledge so that they don’t grow up in a society with stereotyped social gender expectations. Tied quite closely to gender portrayal and behaviors is gender and social norms. The behaviors of male and females tend to connect and impact the social norms that are present in society. Just as Disney impacts children’s view and belief of sexuality and behaviors, it also shapes their ideas about social norms and how they should live. As discussed in the previous paragraph, men are usually portrayed as strong and successful and women more as caring and passive. A great deal of this connect to social norms, as through these characteristics it is determined how men and women should live and what occupations they should have, for example. Disney movies portray the ideal lives of men and women, they often show the â€Å"happily ever after† ending, and they shape children’s images of what is expected of them, as they grow older. There is such a large focus on the personal lives of characters in Disney movies. The ideal man and women are represented with ideal jobs and lives. It is very common for the girls or women to be shown in a position of a princess or a homemaker. This is the case in all of the Disney princess movies. Snow White lives in a home with seven male dwarfs, cooks, cleans and takes care of all of them, and is happy whilst doing all of this (England et al.  2011: 563). As feminist discourses seek into every day life, this is no longer the â€Å"typical† job of a woman and girls should not base their understanding of social norms off of this. It seems that in many of these films women are basically treated as objects that go from the possession of their father to a beautiful prince that they hardly know. It is also common for female characters to be portrayed as submissive to the male characters, which very often display forceful behaviors. In the movie Beauty and the Beast, the Beast abuses Belle, as he not only rips her family apart, but also abuses her (England et al.  2011: 562). The whole big part of this story is that she returns to him even in spite of his rage and abuse. She reinterprets his rage as vulnerability and temper and falls in love with him. This is not a message that should be sent to children. These movies basically tell children to overlook the violence and abuse because being loved matters much more (Sun. 2011). These are just a few examples of the typical portrayals of the social norms in movies, but another example of something that Disney movies all end with is the â€Å"happily ever after†. No matter what these characters go through or what obstacles are presented, Disney movies all seem to end in one particular way. And that is with a â€Å"happily ever after† ending. This is something that all girls look forward to from a young age. These movies represent it to be a social norm but in reality, that is not the case (Ross. 2004: 60). All the Disney princess movies end with the princess and the prince, or the hero, running off together happily. The female characters in the movies risk so much just to be with their â€Å"Prince Charming†. In The Little Mermaid, Ariel gives up her beautiful voice to be able to walk on land, and after that she still needs to impress the man she loves. Ariel uses her body to do this so the Prince will fall in love with her (Sun. 2011). Another example is Cinderella, one of the most popular Disney princesses, who is transformed and relies on her beauty to win her prince over, just so she can be loved (Sperry. 2007: 718). All the princesses just want to live happily with their princes. These movies are teaching young girls that they have to rely on men to be happy and they are also teaching young boys that they should be the powerful ones that girls look up to, to live cheerful lives. Through Disney movies, children’s images of who and what they should strive to be when they are older are shaped. Even such messages as a happy ending give off the idea of perfection to be the norm in children’s lives. It is common for boys to want to grow up being successful and making a lot of lot of money while also finding the perfect girl to marry (Choueiti et al. 2010: 775). It is common for girls to want to be caretakers of both children and their husbands and have that ideal family. Social norms are a large part of the societies we live in, and to have them shaped and molded into something so narrow like what is shown in Disney movies does not allow children to create their own dreams and aspirations to the fullest potential. It hinds their capabilities to strive for something else other then what is described as perfection, or what their gender is portrayed as. The gender roles that are portrayed in Disney movies are really important as our youth is heavily affected by what is shown in the media. The persuasiveness of the films sends very stereotypical messages to children about gender role portrayals that influence children’s beliefs about gender and sexuality, behavior and social norms. Viewing Disney films can have an impact on developing such attitudes and beliefs about gender as they portray the ideal appearance, characteristics and social norms associated with males and females. They also include messages that are unrealistic but still believable to young children, so that they continue to strive to achieve what these messages tell them. As well as representing the ideal male and female and sending negative messages, Disney movies shape children’s images of who they should strive to be. Though Disney films are entertaining and do instill some good values, many of the messages that children receive can do them more harm then good in the long run. The full impact of these skewed portrayals and representations in Disney movies is not known, but it is certain that these gender stereotypes may have serious consequences for children’s understanding of gender role portrayals in the societies they live in (Choueiti et al. 2010: 774).

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Alien Vs Predator essays

Alien Vs Predator essays This is a scientific film, its about a war between 2 groups of strange organisms which are not from earth. And all the fight is on earth inside an ancient pyramid in Egypt which has a relation ship between these aliens from a long time ago. I really liked the film much, I think it is so exiting, I liked its story much and its brilliant direction. And I wrote about some scenes from the film which I really found that they The story begins inside a research center in USA, where the group of the history scientists were talking about a strange pyramid which was discovered in Egypt. At the end of the talk the result was to send some of the group to the pyramid to find out what history or revolution does it belongs to. Unfortunately, the time the group was going to the pyramid, was the time the revolution of the aliens come to life again. All the frozen aliens in the pyramid will go out to life again. And the predators are coming to the pyramid to destroy the aliens and stop them from making their civilization One of the scenes which I really liked in the film was the scene when a woman scientist of the group called Sam was under the mercy of the 2 creatures. When Sam was running inside the pyramid from one of the aliens then suddenly a predator appears in front of her. I felt so pitiful toward her, but the strange thing was that the predator didnt attack her but he went for the alien. Then there was a strong painful fight between the 2 enormous strong creatures, which ended by the victory of the predator. This wasnt only the exciting part of the scene, when the predator killed the alien he went towards Sam as he approaches to her he gets out a sword and he almost kills kills her. I felt my heart beats at this time as she was so panic, then suddenly the predator stops as she get out a bag, then she opens it and gets out o ...

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Approaches to the study of Religion Essays

Approaches to the study of Religion Essays Approaches to the study of Religion Essay Approaches to the study of Religion Essay We can state that there are different attacks that can be taken when analyzing faith. For the last four decennaries universities and schools have been moving in response to a changeless, steady demand for classs upon the survey of faith.The people who take these classs are normally involved in faith themselves, many are involved a in spiritual communities or, wishing to cognize more and larn sing the spiritual beliefs of others. Others have no clear vision upon their spiritual individuality and are seeking possible traditions, ready to run into their religious geographic expedition.So they start looking for different attacks to their survey, conveying along different sentiments and whatever the procedure and methodological analysis is, will convey them information from which finally they will happen replies or give sentiment. ( Peter Connolly, pp1-2Approche to the Study of Religion, Biddles L.T.D. ) The writer will try to measure the strengths and failing of two attacks to faith and seek to compare the work of the two representations and their methodological analysis.The first is Professor Ninian Smart as he wrote widely, sing different subjects in faiths, with documents and articles looking in a huge scope of publication sand telecasting worldwide developing his ain vision and doctrine of human advancement and religious development. The other is Sri Aurobindo who brought a alteration to the vision of development of life into the deity of life, In his ain words: Man is on a transitorily transition. He is non concluding. The phase from adult male to super being is the following which depends from the attack of the accomplishment on the development on Earth. It is the logic of Nature s procedure . The plant of both Sri Aurobindo and Ninian Smart shows two drastic and wholly different attacks to faith. The writer as portion of his grade class has studied these two immensely differing attacks. Ninian Smart s attack to faith is described in his academic literature as a wholly new manner to the thought of faith. He exemplify the debut of Phenomenology stating, a batch of sentiments have been written about non merely the physical interchange of races but ; , besides cultural and cultural, and particularly upon values, so what take topographic point when faiths and their tradition convene? Will the globalisation lead to a sort of cosmopolitan faith, as anticipation might take, or it will be turned in a lively assortment of many different beliefs? Smart contemplated these inquiry for many old ages look intoing assorted faiths in the universe. He explains that such experience decidedly will alter places on old positions sing spiritual tradition. It may possibly escalate your spiritual experience. It all depends on the individual you are and the personal period of life you are traveling through. ( Scott London, the hereafter of faith an Interview with Ninian Smart June 1999 issue ofThe Witnessmagazine. ) We can corroborate that the method of survey that Smart used in his attack grok both external and internal analysis of faith, characterized by phenomenological positions. ( James L.Cox, p.159.A usher to the Phenomenology of faith.key figure, formative influence and subsequent argument. Continuum International printing group.2006. ) Of class the phenomenological attack employed by Smart can be interpreted as an effort of taking into consideration the single experience of faith a at the same clip seeking to divide from it. The method used was to compare the subjective experience with the purpose of determining the agreement of faith itself from within the construction. This attack can be better understood in his ritual dimension engagement with worshipping, speculations, pilgrims journeies, forfeits and mending activities.Of class doctrinal and philosophical dimension is to be taken in consideration without populating behind the experimental and emotional dimension and the of import ethical and legal dimension. ( Ninian Smart, pp10-12, Dimension of the sacred an anatomy of the universe s beliefs, Harper Collins Publisher 1196 ) We see from Smart s classifactory history The Experiential and Emotional Dimension The Narrative or Mythic Dimension The Doctrinal The Philosophical Dimension The Ethical and Legal Dimension The Social and Institutional Dimension The Material Dimension The Practical and ritual dimensions ( BBC.Religion ) Smart s position in prolonging a phenomenological perceptual experience to the methodological analysis of attack to the survey, is far different from the attack that Sri Aurobindo usage. First of all we have to state that both, Smart and Aurobindo have non defined faith from nonsubjective point of position but instead to find faith in footings of its ain value. Both methods tried to avoid the phenomenological attack. Personal experience is important to any apprehension of faith.On this peculiar history Aurobindo discovers the relation or brotherhood, he favours, what he identifies as religious psychological science and built-in methods, but for both he confirms that the aim is to be understood and interpreted in footings of subjective. ( D P Chattopadhyaya p1integral sociology and dialectical sociology, Shri Jainedra imperativeness 1976 ) From its attack, we understand that Sri Aurobindo begins his work clearly within spiritual chance, peculiarly his ain relation with yoga, he explains ; the pattern is non for ourselves entirely, but for the Divine ; The purpose is to happen business of good in the universe, to outcome a religious transition and to convey down a godly nature and a godly life into the mental, critical and physical nature and life of humanity. Its object is non personal, although is a necessary status of the yoga. So with Aurobindo is clear the end is more straight mystical, to became one with the Godhead. ( Michael T.Mclaughlin, p96, Editrice Ponteficia Universita` Grecoriana Roma 2003 ) In many occasions he confirmed that he does non mean to advance any old faith or to happen a new one and he strongly oppose spiritual particolarism. So he is suggesting a mystical end and from his yogistic instructions he guides, shows and achieves that. ( Stephen H.Phillips.p79, Aurobindo`s Philosophyof Brahman, E.J.Brill Leiden 1986 ) The strength of Smart can be seen that he does non wish to deprive faith or faith down to one or two elements say belief in The Virgin Birth and the tenet of out with the church there is no redemption but his classificatory history makes it clear that it has many elements and strands. A unfavorable judgment of his attack is that it is far to scientific and while get downing from the experiential and emotional he shortly slips back into seeking to seek common subjects within all faiths Aurobindo did non merely lodge to an immanental experience of a Godhead being but that there must be transcendency within the persons life which is seen in Auroville with a lived attack to 1s faith instead like that which is common within Charismatic and Evangelical Churches. A unfavorable judgment of Aurobindo s position may be seen that it seeks to stay within faith itself, similar to that of Smart as they both emphasise the importance of the experience of faith, a personal contact with God or Gods, nevertheless within Marxism we can see a move off from this spiritual experience. Aurobindo offers no counsel upon other faiths as his history is strictly personal. So how would Aurobindo address inquiries upon doctrine say within the New Testament? These inquiries within Smarts Classifactory history would assist to specify a faith. For illustration different sentiments sing the Three between Roman Catholics and Jehovah Witnesses. Besides we can see the beliefs, symbolim and instruction s of Auroville suiting weel within the above detailed classifacations of Smart s dimensions of faith Can we genuinely compare two wholly different positions religion one really internal the other really ocular? Is Sri Aurobindo genuinely internal when we have the community of Auroville and a civilization around him? Can we categorise all faiths within Ninian Smart definitions? We may reason stating that maybe faiths will neer unite in to one planetary religion, but we do believe that the society is traveling towards a planetary political orientation that have a infinite for faith and place the parts of the diverse ethnicity and traditions and convey a new manner in assisting us to work together for the support of human values and spiritualty. What may be the manner frontward in the instruction and definition of faith is to accept the uniqueness of each faith and each persons faith and seek ways in which they can be accommodated within a safe international environment that moves off from empirical definitions.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Perspective of ViolenceCriminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Perspective of ViolenceCriminology - Essay Example The most common forms of domestic violence involve emotional and psychological abuse and do not always include behavior that results in physical violence. This can resultin a longer lasting impact on the victim with symptomaticrelated anxiety, trauma and depression. A number of innovative criminal justice system approaches have been developed during the past 15 to 20 years in an attempt to reduce the number of incidences of domestic violence in many countries. Many law enforcement agencies now have policies mandating arrest, or stating a preference for arrest, for domestic violence. Prosecutors are also using a wider array of options to handle domestic violence cases such as no-drop policies, evidence-based prosecution, and special district attorneys assigned to domestic violence cases. As part of the adoption of community policing across the country, local law enforcement agencies are also forming partnerships with community organizations to address domestic violence. All low-income families struggle with limited material resources and related hardships. But families struggling with domestic violence and poverty are likely to have more needs than other families such as, battered women and their children may require protection; men who batter may find themselves facing legal and social service interventions; families will need increased economic resources to survive, and children will require financial stability and emotional comfort. All those who work directly with children and families affected by poverty and domestic violence need to be responsive to these circumstances as well as to the cultural ways in which family members define and most comfortably solve problems. Further, although no single community agency can provide a comprehensive array of the needed responses, collectively, communities can embrace a common vision and work together, across institutional boundaries, to implement this vision as fully as possible. This vision includes th e following five elements of a common practice framework. Young children and their caregivers need to be safe. Domestic violence is a pattern of assault and coercive behaviors including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks, and economic coercion that an adult uses against an intimate partner. This pattern of serious assault is most typically exercised by men against a female partner and sometimes against their children. These assaults are often repetitive and continuous and may leave women and children feeling dazed and bereft. In the face of abuse and assaults, a battered woman with children often confronts two kinds of difficult decisions. First, how will she protect herself and her children from the physical dangers posed by her partner Second, how will she provide for her children This second set of social and economic risks are central in each battered woman's calculation of her children's safety. If, for example, a woman decides to leave her partner to protect herself and her children, where will she find housing and money to f eed her family Who will take care of the children if she must work and her partner is no longer there (Davies, Lyon, & Monti-Catania, 1998) How will she manage the complex, and for many families enduring relationship with the batterer over

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Playing Wii Games to Playing Real Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Playing Wii Games to Playing Real Games - Essay Example The paper explains the importance and role of the games in our life. Sports like hockey, soccer, rugby and boxing require a lot of physical stress and stamina. These sports are considered healthy as well as tough. They help humans in maintaining a healthy body. The efforts required for these activities fulfill the criteria of exercise needed to keep a healthy body. These exercises increase one’s heart rate, glucose breakdown, and stamina. The movements, power and strategy involved in these activities put one’s mind and muscles to work which in turn shapes the body in to an ideal body. Wii gaming system was released in 2006 by Nintendo. â€Å"Wii is actually an exergame. That is, it’s a video game that requires players to use actual physical movements to manipulate the action. Employing a wireless handheld controller with acceleration sensors and an infrared camera built into the console, the Wii senses players’ Motions and translates them into on-screen movement. For instance, in Wii Tennis you swing the controller like a racket; for Wii Golf, the controller is your club†. ... These sports are considered healthy as well as tough. They help humans in maintaining a healthy body. The efforts required for these activities fulfill the criteria of exercise needed to keep a healthy body. These exercises increase one’s heart rate, glucose breakdown, and stamina. The movements, power and strategy involved in these activities put one’s mind and muscles to work which in turn shapes the body in to an ideal body. Wii gaming system was released in 2006 by Nintendo. â€Å"Wii is actually an exergame. That is, it’s a video game that requires players to use actual physical movements to manipulate the action. Employing a wireless handheld controller (about the size of a TV remote, ironically) with acceleration sensors and an infrared camera built into the console, the Wii senses players’ Motions and translates them into on-screen movement. For instance, in Wii Tennis you swing the controller like a racket; for Wii Golf, the controller is your cl ub† (Anders). Wii has released almost all the popular real world sports games such as boxing, tennis, golf and baseball so its range of games encompass many of the real sports. As mentioned earlier in order to play these games, one needs to mimic the exact movements in front of the screen as used in playing real sports. The player’s actions in real time resemble very closely to actions performed in playing real sports. Playing Wii games helps burn calories just like in playing real sports. Moreover, players even perspire while playing Wii games. â€Å"In fact, in addition to burning the most calories, boxing was the only Wii game tested that would be considered intense enough to maintain or improve cardiorespiratory endurance as defined by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)† (Anders). The

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Water Properties: Polarity

Water Properties: Polarity CHRISTABEL SAMPA Discuss the assertion that water has several unique properties that make it vital not only for human beings, but for all living organisms to survive. Introduction Water is a normal oxide made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It has a chemical formula of H20 where the ratio of the two different atoms it is made up of two to one ie two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen covalently bonded to each other. Water is one of the most abundant of the smaller molecules and makes up to 60-90% of the fresh mass of an organism. Survival of all living organisms on earth hence is dependant on water. Therefore it is quite vital to understand the properties of water that makes it important to all living organisms. Polarity Of all the properties of water, polarity can be considered very important as it somehow contributes to almost all the other properties in one way or the other. Water is polar substance because it shows uneven change distribution within its molecule. One part of the water molecule is partially positive and the other is partially negative and this is known as a dipole. The polarity of water occurs because the oxygen atom in the molecule has greater electron attracting power than hydrogen atoms. Hence, oxygen has a slightly negative charge as compared to the hydrogen atom. The polarity makes water molecules to have weak force of attraction for each other, the opposite charges come together making the molecules behave as though they were sticky like magnets. The above property enables water posses several unique properties such as:- High Surface Tension Surface tension comes about due to forces of attraction between molecules of a liquid at its open boundary surface. In a water molecule however the high surface tension is due to unequal distribution of hydrogen bond at the surface of water. Hydrogen bonds exist between each water molecule of water, but molecules at the surface of liquid water have fewer neighbors and as a result, have greater attraction to the few water molecules that are nearby. The surface tension makes the surface of water slightly difficult to break through thou the interior. This is very important to living organism such as plants. As the water required for health plants is obtained from the soil which is down the plant, the high surface tension of water enables water to be pulled up a narrow tube by gravity without breaking its surface. â€Å"Cohesion of water molecule gives water a high tensile strength which enables water column in xylem elements of stem to be pulled upon to the top of tall trees without breaking.† Jain V.K, 2011:24. Surface tension is also responsible for the survival of small organisms that are dependent on the water surface as a mode of transport and living. The Basilisk lizards for instance, makes use of the high surface tension of water to accomplish the incredible feat of walking on waters surface. Some insects also are capable of moving on top of water without its surface breaking. Humans are also capable of skipping rocks on water. Low viscosity However, despite water having a high surface tension, water has a low viscosity. It is capable of sliding over each other easily. This property enables blood to move through thing capillaries and cytoplasm inside cellular boundaries. in animals, the capillaries are the smallest blood vessels found within the tissues of the body and are the ones that transport blood to larger vessels, for instance during gaseous exchange oxygen from the lungs is delivered to the capillaries around the air sacs to reach the blood inside it which latter is transported to the heart inorder to be pumped to all other blood’s mayor components is water this function of the capillaries is well carried out and animals such as human beings, survive. Therefore the low viscosity of water is important to human survival. not only what has been mentioned above, but also when molecules of others substances dissolve in mater, they low the surface tension of water and they tend to collect at the interface between the liquid phase and other phases. vermar and ararwal, 1974. this fact make water important in the development of a plasma membrane and aids the movement of molecules between it. Water is a universal solvent Water is referred to as a universal solvent as it is able to dissolve a wide range of substances dues to its polarity nature. Water dissolves substances by surrounding charged particles and pulling them into solution. It decreases the electro static interactions between charged substances and increasing yheir solubility. This property is very important to both plants and animal. According to verma and Agrival 1974:75. â€Å"The sol-valency is of great biological importance because all the chemical reactions that take place in the cells, do so in acqueous solution.† these solutions have the solvent water. This simply means that without water, biochemical reactions can not take place. All water alet acts as a transport medium, it is responsible for the transportation of all dissolved materials in blood such as food substances, gases excretory products and many other essential; and wastes products. in plants, it transports mineral salts and other nutrients to where they are needed. Water is a solvent for polar substances meaning that it does not dissolve non polar substances. This is of great importance in the formation of membranes and helps to determine the three dimensional properties of molecules of proteins, nucleic acids and their cel structure. Taylaor et al 1997. High capillarity The tendency of water to move up a narrow tube against the force of gravity is referred to as capillary action water has a high capillarity action water has s high capillarity. The high capillarity of water is due to its adhesives and cohesive forces. Cohesion is the mutual attraction between like molecules, water has cohesive properties as the molecules of water attract other water molecules. This is important in the transportation of water through a plant. Mader S. 2010:29 states â€Å"because water molecules are cohesive, a tension created that pulls the water column up from the roots.† the roots are anchored in the soil where the plant obtains water from. as the plant continuously transpierce through leaves which are up the plant, the water evaporating is immediately replaced with water molecules from the transport vessels from the roots to leaves. Adhesion, however, is the attraction between the water molecules and the container in which it is. Adhesion can also be described as the ability of one thing to stick firmly to another. Water is therefore attracted to substances such as cells walls, or glass surface. This is also important to living organisms. In the transport of water to the wall of the vessels also help in preventing the column of water from breaking apart. In general, adhesive and cohesive properties of water work hand in hand in the movement of water from the roots up to the leaves. Specific heat capacity Water has a high heat capacity, specific heat capacity is the amount of energy that must added to a unit mass to raise the temperature by one degree, and â€Å"the high specific heat capacity of water is due to the hydrogen bonds between the molecules. Water absorbd a lot of heat before it begins to get hot. The above property is important to organism that line in water such as fish. water organisms do not die due to excess heat and coldness as it take time for water to gain and lose heat, hence the temperature is well maintained for water life. According to Mader 2010:29, â€Å"because the temperature of water rises and falls slowly, organisms are better able to maintain their normal internal temperatures and are protected from srapid temperature changes.† most of the chemical reactions in cells take place within a small range of temperature. Transparency Water is idourless, hence transparent. This property is also very important as it enables tight to penetrate through it and reach photosynthetic organalles, the chloroplast inside cells which require sunlight to manufacture food.. Having discussed the above property of water, and this importance to all living organisms, it can be concluded that without water, life on earth is practically impossible as all living organisms depend on water. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jain V.K. (1974); Fundamentals of plant Physiology, S. Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi. Kormondy E.J (1996); Concepts of Ecology, Fourth Edition. Pearson Education New Jersey. Mader S.S (2010); Biology, tenth Edition. McGraw – Hill Education. Singapore. Taylor D.J et al (1997); Biological Science 1 and 2 third edition. Camridge University Press. New York. Verma P.S and Agarwal V.K. (1974); Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology, Multicolour edition. Rejendra Ravindra Printer New Delhi. An Avocado Is A Fruit: Analysis An Avocado Is A Fruit: Analysis An avocado is a fruit and not a vegetable that grows on a tree and can be technically classified as a berry. The avocado is from evergreen tree which is native to Mesoamerica. Its natural range covers diverse environmental conditions from the central highlands of Mexico where frosts occur to the rain forests of northwest Columbia. They have a taste that ranges from rich, creamy and buttery to light and fruity, depending on the variety. There are many varieties of avocados, several of which are grown commercially. The Hass variety is the most popular commercially grown variety and has a deep, rich flavor. Avocados are ready to eat when they are slightly soft and yield to gentle pressure. The skin is peeled away and the flesh of the fruit is eaten. Avocados can be eaten by themselves or used for guacamole, sandwiches, salads, omelets, desserts and much more. (Smith et al. 1992,) History In 1519, Spanish soldier of fortune Hernando Cortez (1485-1547) set foot in Mexico City, the first white man to do so. Cortez found that the avocado. The avocado is native to the area stretching from the eastern and central highlands of Mexico through Guatemala to the Pacific coast of Central America. There is evidence that avocados have been utilized in Mexico for 10,000 years. The Spanish Conquistadors were the first Europeans to discover the fruit, native to the Americas, which the indigenous people of Mexico, Central America and South America had been using for thousands of years. Avocado its name comes from Latin America Nahunta word, meaning testicular fruit shape obvious reference. It is found in Mexico about 291 BC avocado easier to significant name because Sir Henrys Sloan, who created it in 1669. Naturalist Sir Hans Sloan was the first to use the name avocado, in a catalogue of Jamaican plants he published in 1696. During the 1700s, European sailors used the avocado as a spread for biscuits, which led to the name midshipmans butter. Avocado trees were introduced to California by 1856, when tree brought from Nicaragua was noticed growing near San Gabriel. In 1911, Carl Schmidt, a plant explorer, collected bud wood of a seedling that eventually became the Fuertes. This variety was the basis of the California avocado industry for many years. Avocados were introduced in Florida by 1850, and, in the 1930s, autumn and winter varieties were adapted. While commercial varieties of avocados arrived in Chile from California in 1928, avocados have been growing in that country since colonial times. The avocado arrived in Indonesia in 1750, Brazil in 1809, Israel in 1908, and South Africa and Australia in the late 19th century. In the late 1920s, Mr. Rudolph Hass discovered what would become the Hass variety. It is currently the most widely grown commercial and popular avocado variety. Early Spanish explorers found Aztecs enjoy avocado, but it has long been considered a tasteless food. The Aztecs also used avocados as a sexual stimulant. This is Spanish explorers brought avocado English. The first Florida crop included to the gardener Henry Ryan plantation in 1833. However, avocado and did not become a commercial crops, until the 20th century. Except in California, Florida, Hawaii, they generally planting, most consumer exit from the fruit. Finally, in the 1950 s, avocado to become popular for salad project and consumption become more common. In 1995, 40.9% of American families consumed of avocado. (Peggy, 2012) Geography map.png Mexico is the world leader for avocado growing, accounting for almost 35% of global production. Other important avocado producers include the USA and Indonesia (each with 7% of the world total), Colombia (6%), Brazil (5%) and Peru (4%). Land Aspects- Frost free, is the ideal avocado north, there is a warm climate. The site should be flat, or of a very slight slope, to allow easy mechanical access. Climate- Growth and fruit appropriate temperature is the most important requirement, the successful development of avocado. Suitable for planting avocado microclimate temperature must meet the following requirements: Occasional winter frosts warmer than -4 °C Day temperatures above 19 °C during flowering (September to November) Night temperatures above 10 °C during flowering No frosts during flowering Soil- Soil The avocado tree has shallow feeding roots that need a good permeability and well drained soils. Ideal soil should have the following features: A depth of more than 1.5m Be uniform and free draining Not be compacted or have impervious layers Have moderate fertility Have a high organic matter component Wet poorly drained soils will lead to major problems with root rot Types of avocado Hass Avocados Hass avocados are commonly seen year-round in the United States and some other areas. Generally easy to peel and usually weigh between 5 and 12 oz. Bacon Avocados Bacon avocados are common in the mid-winter months when other varieties are less prevalent. Bacon avocados have a fairly thin green skin that only gets slightly darker when they reach full maturity. Bacon avocados are usually about 6 to 12 oz. Fuerte Avocados The fuerte avocado is harvested from late autumn to early spring. The fuerte variety was the most common in the western part of the United States, which is oval shaped, the fuerte has a pear shape. Reed Avocados Reed avocados are large, round avocados that usually weigh between 8 and 18 oz. and are widely available in the summer months. Pinkerton Avocados Pinkerton avocados grow in the winter and yield more fruit than most avocados because of their small seeds. Approximately 8 to 18 oz. (Peggy, 2012) Propagation, Planting, Harvesting Propagation Seeds: Rapidly lose their viability: ~28 days. Fresh seeds germinate in 4-6 weeks. Seeds germinate well if placed in warm, moist compost and are only partially buried. You can remove the brown seed coat and cut a thin slice off the apex and base of the seed to aid germination. When roots and leaves are well formed, carefully plant seedlings in deep pots to establish before planting out. Avoid repotting to avoid root damage. Progeny from seedlings are variable. Cuttings: Generally difficult. Layering: Air-layering is successful with some cultivars, with Mexican-types rooting well. This is best done in spring and early summer. Grafting: Grafted or budded trees are more predictable in quality. Grafting is mainly done by whip, side- or cleft- grafting. Mexican- type rootstocks make the strongest growth, are hardier and are often used. Trees are sometimes top- worked. Planting Space plants at least 6-7 m apart; branches can die back if they touch those of their neighbor. Trees benefit from organic mulch, and from staking until established. Best site in a protected, warm area. Harvesting Avocados are harvested with hand-held poles and baskets. In flat areas in California, man-positioning machines are used to lift the pickers. Fruits are picked when mature but still hard. Determining when to harvest avocados can be difficult and may require experience. A slight change in skin color, loss of glossiness, or a brown seed coat is a sign of maturity. Pruning shears or special clippers should be used to harvest avocados. The pedicel should also remain attached to the fruit. (Chia, C. L. et. al. and Yokoyama, K. M., et. Al, 2009) Culture European sailors used the avocado as a spread for biscuits, which led to the name midshipmans butter. In Japan sushi avocado dishes are well-liked in international cuisine. Early Spanish explorers found Aztecs enjoy avocado, but it has long been considered a tasteless food. The Aztecs also used avocados as a sexual stimulant. Culinary (Unknown, 2004) Slices of avocado are widely served in sandwiches and on toasted bread as a snack. Even avocado puree has varied uses such as it can be spread in hotdog and hamburgers and also used as a thickener in various liqueurs. Sushi avocado dishes are well-liked in international cuisine. Being a fruit, avocado is used for various culinary purposes but it is popularly eaten raw or added to various fruit salads in raw form. The subtle-flavor and creamy texture of the fruit makes it a very popular ingredient of avocado recipes such as avocado juice, avocado salad and avocado dip. All these avocado dishes are well-liked in almost all households. Various seasonings and spices can be mixed in the avocado dips to provide flavor to the dish. In the list of sweet dishes, avocado recipes are quite popular. It is often included in several ice creams and milkshakes and other desserts. Salads and juices are some other additions to the list of avocado dishes. In savory dishes also avocado is a well-liked ingredient. Medical/Non- Culinary (Ruby S, 2009-2012) From the ancient times avocado is used as an excellent beauty aid. They truly offer wealth of health and significant beauty benefits. You can easily use Avocado in your daily beauty routine and save some money too. Here are the various beauty uses of Avocado. Take one avocado, half teaspoon of olive oil and one egg yolk. Mash it thoroughly in a bowl. Apply this mix to wet or damp hair. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. Massage it in your scalp properly. Rinse with warm water and shampoo your hair as usual. So can Amazing soft, silky and shiny hair. It is also believed to be an effective sexual stimulant and is used to make ointments aimed at delaying old age. Change Agents Hernando Cortez- In 1519, Spanish soldier of fortune Hernando Cortez (1485-1547) set foot in Mexico City, the first white man to do so. Cortez found that the avocado was a staple in the native diet European sailors- In 1700s, European sailors in the 1700s called it midshipmans butter because they liked to spread it on hard tack biscuits Manashita Ichiro- Avocado in sushi was the idea of a Japanese chef Manashita Ichiro in Los Angeles about 40 years ago who used it as a replacement for Toro because it offered a similarmalty mouth feel ¼Ã…’It was subsequently used in California rolls. Its a Japanese invention. Innovation (April, 2011) Avocado oil- Avocado oil may have anti-ageing properties like those attributed to olive oil. Avocado oil is very rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and extremely low in saturated fat. It also contains no cholesterol. Avocado Face Mask- Gives deep cleansing which helps in getting rid of the dirt and grime accumulated on the face, it opens up the tiny ducts for cleansing and clearing the dead skin cells and thereby prevents acne breakouts. Avocado Sushi- Avocado in sushi was the idea of a Japanese chef in Los Angeles about 40 years ago who used it as a replacement for Toro because it offered a similarmalty mouth feel ¼Ã…’It was subsequently used in California rolls. Avocado Butter- Our Avocado Butter s produced by hydrogenating cold pressed Avocado Oil with other vegetable oils. The light hydrogenation process creates butter with good oxidative stability and a smooth, silky feel. Nutrition Per 230g avocado including Calories 384 KJ, Fat 55%, cholesterol 0%, Sodium 1%, Carbohydrate 7%, Protein 5g, Vitamin A 7%, Vitamin C 34%, Calcium 3%, Iron 8%. (Unknown, 2010-2012) Resources (Unknown, 2012) Human Resources- Natural Resources- Avocado growing need air, sunlight, water, soil, especially free frosts and warm climate. Wet poorly drained soils will lead to major problems with root rot. Mechanical Resources- Workers can use man-positioning machines to lift them to pick mature fruit. Future Trends Contemporary uses Current applications (Unknown, 2004) In bakery to avocado flavor cakes, biscuits and bread. In Japan, sushi avocado dishes are well-liked in international cuisine. Being a fruit, avocado is used for various culinary purposes but it is popularly eaten raw or added to various fruit salads in raw form. In restaurant, various seasonings and spices can be mixed in the avocado dips to provide flavor to the dish. It is often included in several ice creams and milkshakes and other desserts. Salads and juices are some other additions to the list of avocado dishes. In savory dishes also avocado is a well-liked ingredient.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Antigone And Ismene Essay -- essays research papers

Antigone and Ismene The personalities of the two sisters; Antigone and Ismene, are as different from one another as tempered steel is from a ball of cotton. One is hard and resistant; the other: pliable, absorbing and soft. Antigone would have been a strong, successful 90's type woman with her liberated and strong attitude towards her femininity, while Ismene seems to be a more dependent 1950's style woman. Antigone acts as a free spirit, a defiant individual, while Ismene is content to recognize her own limitations and her inferiority of being a woman. In the Greek tragedy "Antigone", by Sophocles; Antigone learns that King Creon has refused to give a proper burial for the slain Polyneices, brother of Ismene and Antigone. Infuriated by this injustice, Antigone shares the tragic news with Ismene. From her first response, "No, I have heard nothing"(344). Ismene reveals her passivity and helplessness in the light of Creon's decree. Thus, from the start, Ismene is characterized as traditionally "feminine", a helpless woman that pays no mind to political affairs. Doubting the wisdom of her sisters plan to break the law and bury Polyneices, Ismene argues: We who are women should not contend with men; we who are weak are ruled by the stronger, so that &...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Discovering Computer

Discovering Computers ? Chapter 1 : Introduction to Computers Chapter 1 Objectives Recognize the importance of computer literacy Define the term, computer Describe the categories of computers Identify the components of a computer Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using computers Recognize the purpose of a network Discuss the uses of the Internet and World Wide Web Discuss various computer applications in society Identify the elements of an information system Describe the various types of computer users Distinguish between system software and application software Next A World of Computers What is computer literacy (digital literacy)? Current knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses ? Computers are everywhere Next What Is a Computer? How is a computer defined? ? Electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory Processes data into information Conveys meaning and is useful to people Accepts data Collection of unprocessed item s Produces and stores results Next What Is a Computer? What is the information processing cycle? ? ? ? ? ? Input Process Output Storage Communication Next The Components of a Computer What is an input device? ? Hardware used to enter data and instructions Next The Components of a ComputerWhat is an output device? ? Hardware that conveys information to one or more people Next The Components of a Computer What is the system unit? Case that contains the electronic components of the computer that are used to process data ? Next The Components of a Computer What are two main components on the motherboard? Processor Also called a Central Processing Unit (CPU) The electronic component that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer Memory Consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions Next The Components of a ComputerWhat is storage? ? Holds data, instructions, and information for futur e use Storage media Physical material on which data, instructions, and information are stored Storage device Records and retrieves items to and from storage media Next The Components of a Computer What is a USB flash drive? ?Portable storage device ? Small and lightweight enough to be transported on a keychain or in a pocket ? The average USB flash drive can hold about 2 billion characters Next The Components of a Computer What is a hard disk? ? Provides greater storage capacity than a USB flash drive ? Most are housed inside the system unit NextThe Components of a Computer What is a compact disc? ? Flat, round, portable metal disc ? ? CD DVD Next The Components of a Computer What is a communications device? Hardware component that enables a computer to send and receive data, instructions, and information Occurs over cables, telephone lines, cellular radio networks, satellites, and other transmission media Next Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers What are the advantages of using computers? Speed Reliability Consistency Storage Communications Next Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers What are the disadvantages of using computers? Violation of PrivacyPublic Safety Impact on Labor Force Health Risks Impact on Environment Next Networks and the Internet What is a network? ? Collection of computers and devices connected together, often wirelessly Used to share Resources Hardware devices Software programs Data Information Saves time and money Next Networks and the Internet What is a server? ? A server controls access to resources on a network ? Clients, or workstations, request resources from the server Next Networks and the Internet What is the Internet? ? Worldwide collection of networks that connects millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individualsNext Networks and the Internet Why do users access the Internet? 1. Communications 2. Research and Information 3. Shopping 4. Banking and Investing 5. Classes 6. Entertainment 7. Download Music 8. Share Information Next Networks and the Internet What is the Web? ? Billions of documents, called Web pages, available to anyone connected to the Internet A Web site is a collection of related Web pages You can share information on a social networking Web site or a photo sharing community A podcast is recorded audio stored on a Web site that can be downloaded A Web page contains text, graphics, audio, video, and links to other Web pagesA blog consists of timestamped articles in a journal format Next Computer Software What is software? Consists of a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do and how to do it Also called a program Next Computer Software What is a graphical user interface (GUI)? ? Allows you to interact with the software using text, graphics, and visual images such as icons ? Controls how you enter data and instructions and how the screen displays information Next Computer Software What is system software? ? Programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices Operating System (OS) s a set of programs that coordinates all activities among computer hardware devices Utility Programs allow the user to perform maintenance-type tasks usually related to managing a computer, its devices or its programs Next Computer Software What is application software? ? Programs designed to make users more productive Word Processing Database Spreadsheet Presentation Graphics Next Computer Software How do you install and run programs? Next Computer Software JavaScript What is a programmer? ? Someone who develops software ? Programmer writes the instructions to direct the computer to process data into information Web application NextCategories of Computers What are the categories of computers? Personal Computers (desktop) Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices Game Consoles Servers Mainframes Supercomputers Embedded Computers Next Personal Computers What are the two most popular styles of per sonal computers? ? PC and compatibles use the Windows operating system ? Apple Macintosh usually uses the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS X) Next Personal Computers What is a desktop computer? ? Designed so all of the components fit entirely on or under a desk or table Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What is a notebook computer? ? Portable, small enough to fit on your lap ?Also called a laptop computer ? Usually more expensive than a desktop computer with equal capabilities Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What is a Tablet PC? ? Resembles a letter-sized slate ? Allows you to write on the screen using a digital pen ? Especially useful for taking notes Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What are mobile devices? Small enough to carry in a pocket Internet-enabled telephone is a â€Å"smart phone† Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What is a handheld computer? Small enough to fit in one hand Used by mobile employees such as meter readers and deliver y people Next Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat is a personal digital assistant (PDA)? ? Provides personal organizer functions ? ? ? ? ? Calendar Appointment book Address book Calculator Notepad Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What are smart phones? Next Game Consoles What are game consoles? Mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games Next Servers What types of servers are there? A server controls access to network resources and provides centralized storage Mainframe Very powerful, expensive computer that supports thousands of connected users Supercomputer The fastest, most powerful, most expensive computer.Used for applications requiring complex mathematical calculations Next Embedded Computers What is an embedded computer? ? A special-purpose computer that functions as a component in a larger product Next Elements of an Information System What are information system elements? ? ? ? ? ? Hardware Software Data People Procedures Next E xamples of Computer Usage What software is available for a home user? ? Personal finance management ? Web access ? Communications ? Entertainment Next Examples of Computer Usage What software is available for a small office/home office (SOHO) user? ? ? ? Productivity software Specialty software Web usage E-mail Next Examples of Computer Usage What is available for a mobile user? ? Hardware ? ? ? ? Notebook computers Tablet PCs Internet-enabled PDAs Smart phones ? Software ? ? ? Word processing Spreadsheet Presentation graphics software Next Examples of Computer Usage What are the needs of a power user? ? Speed and large amounts of storage ? Types of power users ? ? ? ? ? Engineers Scientists Architects Desktop publishers Graphic artists Next Examples of Computer Usage What are the needs of the large business user? ? ? ? Payroll Inventory E-commerce Desktop publishing Next Computer Applications in Society What are some examples of computer applications in society? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Edu cation Finance Government Health Care Science Publishing Travel Manufacturing Next Summary of Introduction to Computers Basic computer concepts The term, computer The uses of the Internet Computer software Categories of computers Types of computer users Computer applications in society The components of a computer The advantages and disadvantages of using computers The purpose of a network Chapter 1 Complete

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Vaccination Of Children And Their Children s Immune...

The vaccination of children is a common practice in the United States. It has helped prevent the spread of infectious diseases that has plagued our society since the dawn of time. Since the decline of those infectious diseases, the United States and other countries have gone to what is called â€Å"herd immunity,† which is a mandatory vaccination of a majority of children to protect the mass population from contracting those easily communicable diseases (Orenstein Yang, 2015). However, as of late the numbers of unvaccinated children are going up. Why is this happening? Why are so many parents choosing not to vaccinate their children? To answer those questions one must look at the reason why childhood vaccinations are required and why people choose to have their children vaccinated. Many parents believe some vaccinations help build their children’s immune system, but for other parents vaccinations are looked at as a risk to their children’s health and well- being. Many studies have been conducted to compile information to quantify the need for mass vaccinations, but childhood vaccinations have become so common in today’s society, that it’s hard to find a large percentage of unvaccinated children to gather a significant amount of data from. This is because the groups of unvaccinated children are too small and wide spread to consistently provide relevant data. This has led to a very controversial debate between parents, medical professionals and government officials aboutShow MoreRelatedVaccinating Children At A Young Age Raises Concerns Essay1139 Words   |  5 PagesWith all the diseases and virus s spreading throughout our world, the issue of vaccinating children at a young age raises concerns. While some parents choose to vaccinate their children, others allow the human body and the immune system to take control of the situation. Over time, arguments have risen that the chemicals put into vaccinations can have harm ful side effects and impacts on the human body if taken incorrectly. There are many similarities and differences seen between the two life styleRead MoreVaccination Of Vaccinations And Its Effects On Children1546 Words   |  7 PagesCurrent vaccination rates in Queensland and Australia have dropped as parents have become more and more confused as to the real benefits and risks of vaccinations due to a plethora of information and misformation found on the internet. This essay will provide scientific information in support of immunization and include what a vaccination is, benefits of vaccinations, risks of not vaccinating, vaccine side effects and common misconceptions regarding vaccinations. Vaccinations have been repeatedlyRead MoreVaccination Is Necessary For Every Child1382 Words   |  6 Pagesof the immune namely HIV and of immunization that define the immune system of the child the quality of virus or bacteria to the child s immune system to build antibodies for each vaccine viral or bacterial and thus build a line of defense for the body immune against sudden some viruses and bacteria and Jratimha injury. This vaccine is a debilitating viruses or bacteria debilitating been Shell pathological have the ability, and therefore easier to give to a child so that his immune system to buildRead MoreAutism Is A Fast Growing Disorder1699 Words   |  7 Pages The cause of this epidemic has remained unknown, but several hypotheses have been studied. Throughout those couple of years, children get as many as 32 shots at least (â€Å"Child and Adolescent Schedule†). Parents all over the world have came to concern that vaccines can develop autism. Many studies have came about through this year with vaccines causing Autism in children that have been vaccinated. II. What Causes Autism: There is no cure but scientists have came to an idea that there is a mutationRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1463 Words   |  6 Pagesthe exception of the actual effects of being sick. Vaccines are a disabled version of a certain virus or bacteria that is placed into an individual s body, so that the antibodies can then be created to prevent further illness. These antibodies prevent one from getting the disease caused by the virus or bacteria (Five Important Reasons). Vaccinations have slowly eliminated and erased multiple different popular diseases today. Vaccines have fully diminished smallpox for good and also has helpedRead MoreVaccinations Are Necessary For Our Youth1305 Words   |  6 Pagesconcerns over the controversy of whether or not vaccinations are necessary for our youth. There have been many incidences where certain individuals’ immune systems put them at risk of becoming more ill and this keeps them from receiving their scheduled immunizations. The benefits that these shots provide outweigh the risks for most of the country’s youth. In order to maintain the safety of the public and protect the health of children, the scheduled vaccinations should be maintained by all families throughoutRead MoreThe Dilemma Of Artificial Immunization1014 Words   |  5 Pages The Dilemma of Artificial Immunization: Vaccines Vaccines have been used to prevent diseases for centuries, and have saved countless lives of children and adults. The smallpox vaccine was invented as early as 1796, and since then the use of vaccines has continued to protect us from countless life threatening diseases such as polio, measles, and pertussis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) assures that vaccines are extensively tested by scientist to make sure they are effectiveRead MoreThe Link Between Vaccinations And Autism Essay977 Words   |  4 PagesInayat Singh, 1003219910, Is there any Scientific or Biological Validity to the supposed link between Vaccinations and Autism? December 4, 2016 Plagiarism Quiz Code: geertz@2606, Essay Checklist Code: sekhmet96 Introduction: Before we embark on the discussion of any link between Autism and childhood vaccination, let us understand the meaning of Autism and Vaccination Autism: It is a complex neuro – behavioral condition which is characterized by difficulty in communicating, forming relationshipsRead MoreThe Heart Of A Heart Transplant907 Words   |  4 Pageswith the surgery is that they have to take anti-rejection medication to ensure that the immune system does not reject the new heart. One small inconvenience that is acceptable considering the new heart has extended their life. However these drugs are designed to suppress the immune system and makes the child more susceptible to diseases. Because of this, the child cannot receive the normal childhood vaccinations which make them at risk for these, preventable, debilitating, and possibly deadly diseasesRead MoreVaccinations Of Babies And Children1623 Words   |  7 Pages Vaccinations of Babies and Children In today’s society they’re thousands of children that are not being vaccinated because of the unconcerning knowledge of the parents not knowing the side effects: long-term or short-term. A side effect is an harmful or unpleasant effect of a drug or a medical treatment. Babies and children are more than likely to experience an unpleasant effect due to their very weak immune system.Babies and children are not like the adults and the elders. When infants are born